L'innovazione nel territorio


L'innovazione nel territorio

Wip Quattrod

Startupeasy -

WIPquattroD offers activities that, due to technological innovation and organizational structure, increases the efficiency of conventional data acquisition procedures and traditional survey operations of the buildings with the use of 3D laser scanners as a support to economic and palnning activities, with the creation of BIM models, a support base for any type of planning, design and maintenance of the existing one.
Thanks to the skills of the team, the services offered are data acquisition, analysis of the state of thebuildings, analysis of the state of conservation of materials and the existence of any risk factors.


The main competitors are universities as in recent years they have invested heavily in the purchase of laser technology and diagnostic tools. The market also offers a wide range of companies offering such services, but the process is almost never complete (survey – diagnosis – design).
Settore: Consulenza
Labels: diagnostica, progettazione, RILIEVI3D
Canali di Vendita: Directly
Interessi: Business partners, Customers, Incubator / Coworking spaces, Partner university

Stadio della startup Wip Quattrod


Development and application of innovative processes and protocols in the framework of conservation activities – restoration, maintenance, recovery, re functionalization – with regard to materials, technologies, techniques and tools adopted, with particular reference to monitoring and analysis diagnostics. Vulnerability assessment, prevention and management activities of the risks and degradation factors, to the materials and techniques of intervention, to the innovative and energy efficient plant solutions, applied to tangible and intangible heritage.


Dati della startup Wip Quattrod

Costituzione Impresa : 21/08/2019
Data iscrizione alla sezione delle Startup: 25/11/2019
Comune: NAPOLI
Provincia: Napoli
Regione: Campania
Codice Fiscale: 09306091217
Codice Ateco : 711
Settore: Consulenza

Wip Quattrod

Modello di Business

WIP quattroD has direct knowledge of the market and potential customers. Furthermore, Public Administration phas a decisive role because it promotes tenders and restoration projects for public buildings or contexts of great historical and artistic value. In this context, the preliminary phase of geometric survey and knowledge of materials and construction techniques is a fundamental element for all restoration project.


Breve descrizione degli aspetti di innovazione che caratterizzano il business dell’impresa Process innovation: technological innovation and the organizational structure implement the conventional ones data acquisition procedures. Metrics and materials and the characterization of the materials and the relative state of conservation, through the use of 3D laser scanners and drones which, although they are technologies in use in the construction sector for twenty years already, they have still found resistance for use in ordinary significant activities. Furthermore, the innovation of process finds expression in the synergistic use of high-precision surveys and conventional diagnostics, techniques operational too often applied in separate moments, to the detriment of a global and homogeneous vision of the obtainable data on the state of affairs. Service innovation: the survey and diagnostic service offered supports all activities related to the planning, both those of an economic nature and those relating to the construction phases. The service is innovative why not stops at data acquisition as is the case for existing companies that deal with surveying, but gets to the stage analysis of the state of the places, the state of conservation of the materials and the existence of any risk factors for artifacts and people.

Requisiti di innovazione tecnologica


Team Qualificato

Proprietà Intellettuale

classe di produzione
100K-500K euro

Leggenda Classe di Produzione
A=1-100K euro
B=100K-500K euro
C=500K-1M euro
D=1M-2M euro
E=2M-5M euro
F=5M-10M euro
G=10M-50M euro
H=più di 5OM di euro
ND=non disponibile

classe di addetti
0-4 addetti

Leggenda Classe di Addetti
A=0-4 addetti
B=5-9 addetti
C=10-19 addetti
D=20-49 addetti
E=50-249 addetti
F=almeno 250 addetti
ND=non disponibile

classe di capitale
5K-10K euro

Leggenda Classe di Capitale
1=1 euro
2=1-5K euro
3-5K-10K euro
4=10K-50K euro
5=50K-100K euro
6=100K-250K euro
7=250K-500K euro
8=500K-1M euro
9=1M-2,5M euro
10=2,5M-5M euro
11=più di 5M di euro
ND=non disponibile

prevalenza femminile

Legenda prevalenza femminile/giovanile/straniera
NO: [% del capitale sociale + % Amministratori] / 2 ≤ 50%
Maggioritaria: [% del capitale sociale + % Amministratori] / 2 > 50%
Forte: [% del capitale sociale + % Amministratoril / 2 > 66%
Esclusiva: [% del capitale sociale + % Amministratori] / 2 = 100%
?: Non disponibile

I dati sulla prevalenza sono riferiti al trimestre precedente

prevalenza giovanile

Legenda prevalenza femminile/giovanile/straniera
NO: [% del capitale sociale + % Amministratori] / 2 ≤ 50%
Maggioritaria: [% del capitale sociale + % Amministratori] / 2 > 50%
Forte: [% del capitale sociale + % Amministratoril / 2 > 66%
Esclusiva: [% del capitale sociale + % Amministratori] / 2 = 100%
?: Non disponibile

I dati sulla prevalenza sono riferiti al trimestre precedente

prevalenza straniera

Legenda prevalenza femminile/giovanile/straniera
NO: [% del capitale sociale + % Amministratori] / 2 ≤ 50%
Maggioritaria: [% del capitale sociale + % Amministratori] / 2 > 50%
Forte: [% del capitale sociale + % Amministratoril / 2 > 66%
Esclusiva: [% del capitale sociale + % Amministratori] / 2 = 100%
?: Non disponibile

I dati sulla prevalenza sono riferiti al trimestre precedente

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